Couple relationships

Why do problems arise?
Because of our dreams and expectations of a partner and the effort to tailor them and our life into an imaginary version of a perfect relationship
Those who have sought help from a therapist may have heard that relationship conflicts often stem from issues of power, feeling lack of respect, gratitude, appreciation, kindness, or emotional closeness.
Some therapists suggest analyzing childhood attachment patterns (secure, anxious, avoidant, or disorganized) and adjust those.
However, regardless of the issue, the key to change is in rewiring the subconscious mind. You must break dysfunctional, self-sabotaging reflex patterns and allow your conscious mind to create healthier ones.
Couple relationships
Most people desire a happy relationship and dream of building a family.
The idea about a "perfect family" often forms in early childhood and becomes deeply ingrained in the subconscious mind.
Children who grow up in harmonious families have a positive example to follow. They unconsciously absorb their parents' behaviors, associating them with a successful family life. This pattern becomes "engraved" in their subconscious mind and serves as a framework for building their own future relationships.
On the other hand, children raised in dysfunctional families often internalize a strong determination to never repeat the negative experiences of their upbringingāeven though some aspects may have been positive. Instead, they construct their "ideal future relationship" by observing other families, movies, or books.
Individuals from the latter group often face more challenges in building relationships.