
The offender and the target - two victims

Let's analyse the mindset of someone who needs to bully and how the victim is chosen? 

It is a person who feels inferior and has low self-esteem. The person has a need and aims to somehow to increase self-value, self-esteem and boost ego. If the person does not know how or is incapable to do that in a decent maner, an alternative is to put down, humiliate someone else to establish a "balance".

The chosen victim is someone who is superior in certain qualities of interest, where the aggressor feels inadequate.

Despite that, the victim typically has a weakened self-esteem, self-doubt and fear, what makes the person susceptible to the offence and incapability to withstand the attack, or any other way "hit back". Aggressor senses and foresees that and that's is why he or she freely attacks.

There are many reasons why truely superior people loose self-esteem and become victims of bullying. many times it could be talented gifted kids with leader or creative qualities who were upraised by controlling parents. The victim needs to build self-esteem and resilience. In the long run, this is far more effective than trying to restore balance by punishing the aggressor while comforting the victim with pity and labeling them as "poor you" for being bullied.

Instead, I would approach the bullied individual by first saying, "You have something uniquely valuable that the aggressor does not. Let's explore these qualities, build your self-esteem and self-worth, and overcome fears and self-doubt."

The aggressor is typically a victim of earlier life situations. Finding out those may help the aggressor to build up self esteem and stop the bullying behaviour.

Mind shifting is an excellent tool to handle these problems.