About the founder
Vilija Oke, MD, PhD
Expert in mind shifting

All situations may change
All people may change
Stop waiting, start acting
Many people can support and comfort you.
Only someone with a stronger personality than yours can uplift you
A mentor may guide you to find your strengths hidden by your sub-conscious rules and memories.

I am a doctor and researcher and have been working with people for more than 20 years, especially those with acute and chronic conditions.
I have observed that some people do not give up even though they are very sick and believe in themselves and maintain hope in difficult situations. While some other give up, they wait for someone to help, take care of them or advise and encourage them. The outcomes and results of the condition will commonly better for those who decide to do everything they can to take situation in their hands actively.
If you do not give up and take the situation into your own hands, the final result is usually much better.
Due to challenges in personal life challenges, I had to come to an involuntary contact with various authorities.
In my case, it definitely happened unexpectedly, when I was least ready, most vulnerable and alone.
Thanks to that I found mind shifting.
During a holiday visit to Krakow, Poland I visited Auschwitz concentration camp and learned about one of the few survivors - Victor E. Frankl and his teaching - logotherapy.
I was first able to take control of the situation with my mind when I learned mind shifting and understood logotherapy.
These methods are still less known in Sweden, but logotherapy is popular in other European countries.
I want to spread mind shifting and, with this method, help people feel better and achieve more.
Your WILL and MIND is my CARE