Welcome to mind care in a unique perspective

Most human suffering arises from imagination and expectations—or the disappointment when they go unfulfilled.
If you want to change that - shift your mindset - let go of expectations and imaginations, and the rules that entitle you the "right to expect" certain outcomes from others.

How the subconscious mind works?

You have probably heard about a reflex loop. It automatically works when you for example touch something hot or sharp and withdraw a finger. It is applicable how mind reacts to certain situations and stimulations, and induce feelings like stress, anger, anxiety, fear, but also happiness, trust or hope. Typically these automatic response mechanisms get imprinted in the subconscious mind until 35 years of age and later on are automatically employed if mind recognises the situation. Some of these imprinted responses date to the childhood and early life, and exist within the mind as "inner child". However, employing same "childish" reactions in adult life can be destructive. 
Modern psychology state that the persons success in life depend on how well one control that "inner child".

How can the subconscious mind be rewired?

During the interview with the mentor you will get back to the memories when and how the experience and behaviour was imprinted. Then with special mental techniques you will be guided how to change that imprint in you mind. In the next step you will be guided how to create a new preferred reflex loop.

These techniques excellently help to build up your self-esteem, boost your talents and inborn potential and find a meaning in life.

How the subconscious mind works?

You have probably heard about a reflex loop. It automatically works when you for example touch something hot or sharp and withdraw a finger. It is applicable how mind reacts to certain situations and stimulations, and induce feelings like stress, anger, anxiety, fear, but also happiness, trust or hope. Typically these automatic response mechanisms get imprinted in the subconscious mind until 35 years of age and later on are automatically employed if mind recognises the situation. Some of these imprinted responses date to the childhood and early life, and exist within the mind as "inner child". However, employing same "childish" reactions in adult life can be destructive. 
Modern psychology state that the persons success in life depend on how well one control that "inner child".

How can the subconscious mind be rewired?

During the interview with the mentor you will get back to the memories when and how the experience and behaviour was imprinted. Then with special mental techniques you will be guided how to change that imprint in you mind. In the next step you will be guided how to create a new preferred reflex loop.

These techniques excellently help to build up your self-esteem, boost your talents and inborn potential and find a meaning in life.


  • Exhausted and disappointed with life?! No energy...
  • Conflict at home or at work, anger
  • "No hope for the future?!"
  • "I always fail?!"
  • "I do not believe in my self?!"
  • "I have no fortune?!"
  • "Time to quit job or drop partner?!"
  • "My parents are still after me?!"
  • "I have never met a happy family - not worth trying to create one?!"
  • "I feel like a black sheep everywhere?!"
  • "I am afraid, I do not dare, I have always failed before?!"
  • "I have no goals with my life... is there any meaning to live at all?"
  • Flash backs of traumatising events 
  • Any other problem that you feel is unique to you...

Lets take a look at the problem from a different perspective!

If you want a change or another result - start thinking and behaving in a novel way

Mind shifting

- is a method which helps people to change the subconscious and automatic thinking and behavioural patterns which they had learned earlier in life. These automatisms "are stuck" in the subconscious mind.

If you want a fast change that lasts – a mind shifting mentor can guide you.

Why to choose mind shifting and not classical psychotherapy or coaching?

Mind shifting in a nut shell:

Mind shifting mentor will first identify what a sub-conscious reason causes your problem/-s.

How this sub-conscious behaviour was established.

Will guide you through the change scheme during the session.

Your attitude or behaviour will be changed for once and forever.

Sounds too good to be true?

Try a 15 min free call to start with identifying you problem and its sub-consciuos cause.


It is both life philosophy and treatment approach. Logotherapy bases human existance on meaning or search for it, and healing through finding that meaning.  

Finding meaning in life may assist the individual to change attitudes and perception of life.

The one thing you can't take away from me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me. The last of one's freedoms is to choose one's attitude in any given circumstance. Viktor E. Frankl.

May mind shifting and logotherapy complement each other?

If you are struggling in finding a strategy, goals or meaning of your life, it could be of benefit to look at both mind-shifting and logotherapy approaches together. 

People will face or make problems in all times, and there will be challenges and suffering in life. 

The fittest will survive the evolution.

Philosophy of Victor E. Frank state that there can be meaning in every suffering, and F. Nietzsche reassured this statement:

"He who has a WHY to live for, can bear almost any HOW".

 Different philosophers suggested several descriptions for meaning of life: 

  1. pleasure and happiness (Freud)
  2. will to power (Adler) 
  3. meaningful purpose (Frankl)

Mind shifting may help individual to identify the natural inborn potential or call, and guide to implementation of it. That is what could be a meaning or new goal of your life.

Every child is born with unique potential and call for life. Commonly the child upbringing includes learning and accepting the rules, beliefs and values ​​imposed by other people, societal norms, culture and forced habits on "how people usually do things". These frames are not natural or inborn. Imposed on a unique individual these rules may block the natural potential and the person "may lose" true-self. As a result the "inner child" may never develop to an authentic adult individual.

Modern psychology emphasizes that:

a person's success in life depends on the ability to "take care of and control the inner child".

Mind shifting is a direct way to dismantle the subconscious programs coming from the "inner child". It may be your breakthrough to success in life, disclose your natural potential, and help you to create a fulfilling and thriving life you will love.

A path to true happiness and meaning in your life could be to discover
your natural potential and purpose, and to thrive by bringing it to life..

Your WILL and MIND is my CARE


Welcome to Willcare.org

Contact the mentor via email or the form on the right: 



